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Certified Salesforce Platform Developer II Training and certification in Coimbatore

Best Certified Salesforce Platform DeveloperII cloud architect Training Institute in Coimbatore.

Best Certified Salesforce Platform DeveloperII training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry's expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.

The Salesforce Administrator credential is designed for those who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities.

Certified Salesforce Platform DeveloperII Syllabus

Advanced Developer Fundamentals - 15%

- Demonstrate knowledge of localization and multi-currency features and capabilities and how they affect coding.
- Given a scenario, justify using sharing objects and Apex managed sharing.
- Given a scenario, identify best practices for various types of custom metadata and custom settings, and how to implement required solutions.

Process Automation, Logic, and Integration - 27%

- Given a scenario, identify the considerations of interactions between multiple processes, both declarative and programmatic.
- Given a scenario, propose and justify the optimal programmatic or declarative solution.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the best practices for writing Apex triggers.
- Describe the Apex features available for error handling and maintaining transactional integrity.
- Demonstrate how and where to use advanced keywords in a SOQL query structure.
- Analyze a set of requirements and determine the benefits of using asynchronous Apex coding.
- Given a scenario and requirements, identify the appropriate dynamic Apex feature to use in the solution.
- Given a scenario, identify the appropriate publish / subscribe logic for platform events.
- Given a scenario, apply programmatic integration techniques and platform features for inbound and outbound communication.

User Interface - 20%

- Given requirements and code snippets for a Lightning Web Component or Aura Component and its Apex controller class, analyze and determine necessary changes to the Apex class.
- Identify the techniques for using Visualforce to perform actions, partial page refreshes, and asynchronous operations.
- Given a scenario, identify best practices for displaying errors in the user interface.
- Given a set of requirements, select the appropriate Lightning Web Component, Aura Component, or Visualforce solution and describe its benefits.
- Given a scenario, describe the aspects of Lightning Web Components or Aura Components that can be used to cause elements in a component's markup to display in a responsive manner based on a device's form factor.
- Given a scenario, implement the correct method to communicate events through Lightning Web Components or Aura Components.
- Describe the purpose and benefit of static resources in Visualforce, Lightning Web Components, and Aura Components.

Testing, Debugging, and Deployment - 20%

- Apply advanced techniques and tools for testing Apex classes and triggers, such as mocks and stubs.
- Apply techniques and tools for testing and debugging Lightning Web Components, Aura Components, and Visualforce controllers, Visualforce controller extensions, and JavaScript.
- Given a scenario, Apex code, Apex trigger, or Apex test that is not executing as expected, apply techniques and tools to isolate and identify the root cause.
- Given a scenario, formulate the deployment process, supporting tools, and mechanisms for source-driven development.

Performance - 18%

- Identify the common performance issues for user interfaces and demonstrate knowledge of techniques and tools to mitigate them.
- Given a scenario, choose the appropriate logic and query structure to maximize application performance and handle large data volumes.
- Analyze a given scenario and determine performance improvements that can be achieved with an asynchronous callout.
- Select scenarios where code reuse is applicable and how the reuse should be implemented.
- Given sample code, identify inefficiencies and demonstrate the ability to resolve them.