This course empowers you to master SAP S/4HANA Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM), the key to thriving subscription business models.
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Describe the Billing and Revenue Innovation Management Solution (BRIM) components with the basic objects in the BRIM landscape. Explain the BRIM Processes starting from Provider Order, Rate Usage, Run Dunning and end with a Credit Note.
Explain Convergent Charging's foundational components, role in the product/service definition, and technical architecture components.
Explain the use of Business Partner and Contract Accounts in Contract Accounting, the open item management and clearing processes, payment processes (payment lot and payment run), the dunning process and integration to the General Ledger.
Describe the use of business partner and contract accounts in convergent invoicing, the use of the billable item monitor, billing process steps, the invoice process document flow, how to integrate open items into an invoice, how to reverse the billing process, how to add discounting to the invoicing process, customising a billable item class, and explain data objects