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Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Training and Certification in Coimbatore

Best Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Training Institute in Coimbatore.

Best Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry's expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.

The Google Cloud Professional Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification was ranked one of the top paying IT certifications of Global Knowledge.

This program provides the skills you need to advance your career as a professional Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer and recommends training to support your preparation for the industry-recognized Google Cloud Professional Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification.

You'll have the opportunity to deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services, and you'll gain real world experience through a number of hands-on Qwiklabs projects.

Upon successful completion of this program, you will earn a certificate of completion to share with your professional network and potential employers.

If you would like to become Google Cloud certified and demonstrate your proficiency in the understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform, design, develop, and manage solutions to drive business objectives, you will need to register for, and pass the official Google Cloud certification exam. You can find more details on how to register and additional resources to support your preparation at Nux software solutions.

Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Syllabus

Framing ML problems

  • Translating business challenges into ML use cases. Considerations include:
  • - Choosing the best solution (ML vs. non-ML, custom vs. pre-packaged [e.g., AutoML, Vision API]) based on the business requirements

    - Defining how the model output should be used to solve the business problem

    - Deciding how incorrect results should be handled

    - Identifying data sources (available vs. ideal)

  • Defining ML problems. Considerations include:
  • - Problem type (e.g., classification, regression, clustering)

    - Outcome of model predictions

    - Input (features) and predicted output format

  • Defining business success criteria. Considerations include:
  • - Alignment of ML success metrics to the business problem

    - Key results

    - Determining when a model is deemed unsuccessful

  • Identifying risks to feasibility of ML solutions. Considerations include:
  • - Assessing and communicating business impact

    - Assessing ML solution readiness

    - Assessing data readiness and potential limitations

    - Aligning with Google's Responsible AI practices (e.g., different biases)

    Architecting ML solutions

  • Designing reliable, scalable, and highly available ML solutions. Considerations include:
  • - Choosing appropriate ML services for the use case (e.g., Cloud Build, Kubeflow)

    - Component types (e.g., data collection, data management)

    - Exploration/analysis

    - Feature engineering

    - Logging/management

    - Automation

    - Orchestration

    - Monitoring

    - Serving

  • Choosing appropriate Google Cloud hardware components. Considerations include:
  • - Evaluation of compute and accelerator options (e.g., CPU, GPU, TPU, edge devices)

  • Designing architecture that complies with security concerns across sectors/industries. Considerations include:
  • - Building secure ML systems (e.g., protecting against unintentional exploitation of data/model, hacking)

    - Privacy implications of data usage and/or collection (e.g., handling sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information [PII] and Protected Health Information [PHI])

  • Designing data preparation and processing systems
  • - Visualization

    - Statistical fundamentals at scale

    - Evaluation of data quality and feasibility

    - Establishing data constraints (e.g., TFDV)

  • Building data pipelines. Considerations include:
  • - Organizing and optimizing training datasets

    - Data validation

    - Handling missing data

    - Handling outliers

    - Data leakage

  • Creating input features (feature engineering). Considerations include:
  • - Ensuring consistent data pre-processing between training and serving

    - Encoding structured data types

    - Feature selection

    - Class imbalance

    - Feature crosses

    - Transformations (TensorFlow Transform)

    Developing ML models

  • Building models. Considerations include:
  • - Choice of framework and model

    - Modeling techniques given interpretability requirements

    - Transfer learning

    - Data augmentation

    - Semi-supervised learning

    - Model generalization and strategies to handle overfitting and underfitting

  • Training models. Considerations include:
  • - Ingestion of various file types into training (e.g., CSV, JSON, IMG, parquet or databases, Hadoop/Spark)

    - Training a model as a job in different environments

    - Hyperparameter tuning

    - Tracking metrics during training

    - Retraining/redeployment evaluation

  • Testing models. Considerations include:
  • - Unit tests for model training and serving

    - Model performance against baselines, simpler models, and across the time dimension

    - Model explainability on Vertex AI

  • Scaling model training and serving. Considerations include:
  • - Distributed training

    - Scaling prediction service (e.g., Vertex AI Prediction, containerized serving)

  • Automating and orchestrating ML pipelines
  • - Identification of components, parameters, triggers, and compute needs (e.g., Cloud Build, Cloud Run)

    - Orchestration framework (e.g., Kubeflow Pipelines/Vertex AI Pipelines, Cloud Composer/Apache Airflow)

    - Hybrid or multicloud strategies

    - System design with TFX components/Kubeflow DSL

  • Implementing serving pipelines. Considerations include:
  • - Serving (online, batch, caching)

    - Google Cloud serving options

    - Testing for target performance

    - Configuring trigger and pipeline schedules

  • Tracking and auditing metadata. Considerations include:
  • - Organizing and tracking experiments and pipeline runs

    - Hooking into model and dataset versioning

    - Model/dataset lineage

    Monitoring, optimizing, and maintaining ML solutions

  • Monitoring and troubleshooting ML solutions. Considerations include:
  • - Performance and business quality of ML model predictions

    - Logging strategies

    - Establishing continuous evaluation metrics (e.g., evaluation of drift or bias)

    - Understanding Google Cloud permissions model

    - Identification of appropriate retraining policy

    - Common training and serving errors (TensorFlow)

    - ML model failure and resulting biases

  • Tuning performance of ML solutions for training and serving in production. Considerations include:
  • - Optimization and simplification of input pipeline for training

    - Simplification techniques